Halloween decorations in Windows Color

Another use of Windows Color paint, this time in a non-repositionable version fixed on a transparent sheet of rigid plastic (Rolloid or acetate type). This opens up new possibilities for interior decoration...here on a Halloween theme. And kids love to do their own decorating, especially when it's so easy (just colors from the bottle!) and especially for this holiday...

Plant decoration

décoration en windows color : sorcière
A witch in a sequined polka-dot dress
The witch is painted directly onto a sheet of rigid transparent plastic (Rolloid). Once the paint is dry, the witch is cut out and glued to a wooden spike. A great way to decorate plants, don't you think?

Thanks to the use of special bottles of glitter
, you can achieve even nicer effects: the witch is dressed in a trendy polka-dot dress! jolie sorcière d'Halloween

A Halloween mobile

mobile en windows color The same principle (Windows Color paint directly on Rolloid sheet) is applied to the creation ofa mobile.

Here, on the same Halloween theme, coloring pages of Raven, candy and pumpkins are used as models.
orange raffia ribbons complete the decoration of this mobile
décor corbeau d'Halloween peinture de bonbon à pois
peinture de bonbon à rayures
Mobile created by Loïc at the age of 6 at "L'Atelier de Marie" in Saint-Cannat

Decorations made on rigid sheet can be kept year after year, stored flat, ideally between plastic sleeves to avoid sticking during storage.

[ Painting on glass: the technique ] [ Templates for Windows Color ]

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