Children's templates for Windows Color

Here's a selection of models created by children for Windows Color.
The images below are reduced to display size. To save them on your computer, right-click with your mouse and select "save as..." you'll be able to resize them for printing.

Disney models and Winnie the Pooh gang
modèle Mickey windows color modèle Winnie windows color modèle Porcinet windows color
modèle Tigrou windows color modèle Gourou windows color
modèle Bourriquet windows color

Diddl models
modèle Diddl windows color modèle Diddl windows color

Halloween models
modèle halloween windows color modèle citrouille windows color
See Halloween coloring pages and Halloween crafts and activities

Very boyish models
modèle windows color Pokemon modèle windows color Hélicoptère
modèle windows color train modèle windows color train

Horse models
modèle windows color Chevala whole collection of horse and pony coloring pages on the Notre rêve de poney website, coloring pages for children that are very practical for Windows color painting, for example...

[ Painting on glass] [ Windows Color templates][Scrapbooking]

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