Models for Windows Color

These templates for windows colors are often taken from children's coloring pages. The same templates can be used for fabric painting.
The selection below focuses on interior design. See also the selection of Windows Color patterns for children.
The images below are reduced to display size. To save them on your computer, right-click and select "save as..." you'll be able to resize them for printing.
A few butterflies...
modèle windows color coloriage papillon modèle windows color coloriage papillon
modèle windows color coloriage papillon
Roses and flowers...
modèle windows color coloriage rose modèle windows color coloriage rose
modèle windows color coloriage fleur modèle windows color coloriage fleur modèle windows color coloriage fleur

The aquatic world...
modèle windows color coloriage poisson
modèle windows color coloriage hypocampe
modèle windows color coloriage dauphin

Find a selection of Windows Color models designed by children, with themes that are close to their hearts: Disney, Winnie, Diddl, Pokemon, animals, vehicles...

[ Painting on glass: the technique ] [ Windows color decorations ]

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