Easter crafts and decorations

Ideas fornew decorations to make with the kids, handicrafts that you'll enjoy making and returning to every year, crafts that children, even toddlers, will enjoy doing themselves...
And decorations based as much as possible on natural ingredients: wood, cardboard, felt and wool, and ... eggs, of course!
dIY felt easter casserole
A cute Easter chick who keeps her colorful eggs warm, and her paws too, thanks to trendy striped socks!

Your Easter craft supplies can be found in the Fournitures créativesstore
Creative leisure Easter napkins
table cloth hen
A fabric and felt painting on the theme of hens and eggs, set in a matching patchwork fabric frame.

An Easter card using scrapbooking techniques
Easter card
glittering easter egg
joyeuses paques A shimmering Easter egg in a multitude of glittering colors... Preparedstep by step
easter stencil templates
Templates and coloring pages for Easter decorations
Templates for older children's crafts, as well as handicrafts for toddlers

Easter baskets (collage, painting, napkins, scrapbooking)

Making plaster eggs

It's very simple: just fill a plastic balloon with fast-setting plaster, then hang it up. Once dry, remove the balloon and you've got an egg. A little sanding may be necessary to soften the pointed shape.
decorating an easter egg

Easter gifts?

easter gift decoration
Easter gift ideas to discover atAtelier bois:
Easter-themed wooden puzzles ready to give, or decorations to paint yourself: figurines, puzzles, napkin rings...

And what about decorating real eggs?

The natural and traditional method is to color the eggs as they cook, so that you can then enjoy a colorful, edible egg during the Easter meal! Cooking in a mixture of water and beet juice gives Easter eggs an invigorating color. Try also: curry (for yellow eggs), a few drops of soy sauce (for a brown color)... More originality still with marbled eggs: simply coat the eggs in large red onion skins before cooking (tying string around them).
Then cook the eggs: when they come out, they look like marbled red-brown eggs. You can also simply tie up the eggs before cooking them to obtain original stripes.
marbled egg with onions

Do-it-yourself chick

Wooden chick basket decoration
An Easter basket-chick craft from Moryan décoration: the chick hides a pot, to be filled with chocolate eggs on the big day and pens on other days!
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