Eglantine, Easter casserole

Eglantine, coquette cocotte de Pâques, a tenderly amusing Easter decoration in natural materials, to be made at home. The originality lies, of course, in the wooden spoons, which serve both as warmly incubated eggs and as long legs with striped socks. Material
  • thick felt (5mm): white (28x20 cm - like an A4 sheet), pieces in yellow, orange, red and black
  • ribbon to hang Eglantine (here in orange)
  • 2 round or oval wooden spoons, 30 cm
  • a little yellow, red and white acrylic paint
  • large and fine brushes
  • orange and white thread - needle
  • universal glue
decoration cocotte de paques

Step 1

Printour templates opposite. Each one must be printed in A4 format (the body of the casserole takes up the whole 21x29 cm page), so that the proportions remain consistent with the wooden spoons.
eglantine cocotte template
cocotte components template
Its components

Step 2

decoupe felt cocotte shapes
Eglantine's various components are cut to size using our templates:
  • body in white felt,
  • beak and pouch in yellow
  • wings in orange
  • crest, crop and legs in red
  • eyes in black felt

Step 3

dIY Easter casserole

Hold the pouch in place with 2 pins. Then, on the back of the casserole, use scissors to make a 3 cm notch through which the wooden spoons will pass. This notch should be 1 cm from the bottom edge of the pouch, so it's hidden by the pouch.

Step 4

do-it-yourself sewing

Sewing stage: sew with doubled orange thread, drawing crosses to attach the pocket, then the wings.  

Step 4

sewing and embroidery
Sew together the tip of the beak and the top of the crop: this places the beak in relief, then, still using a cross, attach the other 2 corners of the beak. Sew the crest. If necessary, add a ribbon (orange here) to hang Eglantine. Attach the black felt eyes by sewing on the white thread using the throw-stitch embroidery technique. The idea is to draw in white, leaving a black circle on the side to fix the expression of the eyes.

Step 5

dIY painting

Paint step Make a light orange color from the red and yellow paints. Paint the wooden spoons in two coats.

Step 6

easter egg painting
  Paint the round backs of the spoons like Easter eggs: small dots and cursive lines to accentuate the egg shape. For the dots, you can use the flat, round end of a brush as a stamp (here in yellow and red).

Step 7

paint 'patte cocotte
once the paint is dry, paint red stripes along the length of the spoons  

Step 8

dIY cocotte

Once the paint is dry, place the spoons in the pocket. Using pointed-tip scissors, cut two rounds from the 2 pieces of felt in the shape of paws, into which you will place the spoon tips. Glue the wood and the edge of each hole, then hold down for a few moments and leave to dry.
All that's left is to arrange the Eglantine's eggs and legs (crossed or parallel legs...) and hang it up.
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The best reviews on this card :


par rapsinblue le 17/03/2008

Eglantine, la poule

Eglantine, la pouleBricolage de Pâques très chouette.
Nous avons modifié un peu les matériaux utilisés, car le prix de revient était trop élevé pour l'école.
Les enfants ont eu beaucoup de plaisir.
Découpage de la feutrine un peu difficile pour les petits, nous avons dû les prendre individuellement.
Le résultat est super !

Par Rémi le 08/04/2009

Ma poule Eglantine

Ma poule EglantineAvec maman pendant les vacances de Pâques nous avons fabriqué Eglantine la poule mais nous n'avons utilisé que du papier que nous avons colorié, les pattes sont des pailles de couleur avec des traits au marqueur!! On a adoré ce bricolage car cette année la maitresse ne nous a rien fait faire, dommage !!!
Rémi, 8 ans