Making a frame from patchwork fabric

Here's how to make a frame covered in patchwork-style fabrics. The country feel of such a frame is accentuated by the choice of fabrics gathered for their common hue: a beautiful red. Simple techniques (collage, a few embroidery and sewing stitches) for a unique and personal creation. The frame can house a magnetic or chalk board, or a fabric decoration, combining felt with assorted fabrics, as in the "Chickens in the henhouse" picture.
Patchwork fabric frame


  • A wooden or medium frame
  • Fabric glue,
    • either liquid to spread with a brush (available from Pébéo, but beware of greasy spots that may appear on the surface when there's too much glue)
    • or in aerosol form ( fabric glue 606, has the advantage of not staining, to be used in a well-ventilated area, as with all aerosols
  • An assortment of fabric pieces
  • A matching piece of bias
  • Embroidery thread (red and yellow) and an embroidery needle
  • Sewing thread and needle

Embroidery, sewing and collage

Fabric embroidery
Start embroidering the fabrics that will later be glued: like the title "Au poulailler", previously drawn in pencil to serve as a guide. To embroider attached letters, stem stitch works well using 2 strands of thread.
zig-zag embroidery stitch

Each piece of fabric chosen is attached to the previous one in a variety of ways:
  • either by keeping the edge of the fabric nicely fringed,
  • or by sewing the 2 fabrics together on the wrong side
  • this seam can be decorated on the right side with a zig-zag slipper stitch (with high-contrast thread, here in red)
  • or with increasingly large crosses
Cutting and sewing fabrics
Glue a thread between the fabrics

It's easy to make and looks great: the fabrics are glued edge-to-edge and an embroidery thread (6 strands) is glued to their separation, creating a small relief (glue the thread ends to the back).
To mark the bottom left and right corners, a piece of red bias tape is glued on.
Skew gluing in corners
Felt chicken frame

once the frame is finished, all that's left to do is attach it to a background to become a photo frame, magnetic board or, as shown here, a chicken-themed board in felt and fabric.
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