Computer wallpaper image

Downloadour free wall papers: click on the image corresponding to your screen size, then right-click and choose "set as background" from the menu.
These wallpapersare our creations. Do not place them in image banks.

A Halloween wallpaper: discover a spider's web and its beaded occupant in the greenery...
image fond d'ecran ordinateur halloween
Wallpaper 1024x768
Wallpaper 800x600
Discover our
DIY ideas for Halloween

Here'san adorable wallpaper for your computer : a real gem!
For beading enthusiasts, a very feminine wallpaper to download here...
image fond d'ecran ordinateur image fond d'ecran ordinateur
Thank you to
image fond d'ecran ordinateur bijoux Magali for offering us this beautiful wallpaper image: a Fimo beaded brooch featuring the Créatifs emblem: the butterfly!
Butterflies that you'll find throughout the pages of this site, in a variety of materials and techniques... so enjoy your visit!
Wallpaperfor aquarium enthusiasts...
image fond d'ecran ordinateur
1024 x 768
image fond d'ecran ordinateur
800 x 600
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