Christmas table place cards

Ideas for a beautifully decorated Christmas table, where everyone can easily find their place thanks to clever place cards.
5 ideas for place cards, some of which can be made by children, so they can help decorate the festive table.
Brand places Snowmen
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Table decorations to make with the children
Decoration on glass or flute
Repositionable paint decorations are placed on the glasses or champagne flutes... The decorations are prepared beforehand on a plastic sleeve: first use the bottle of stain to draw Christmas motifs freehand (or help yourself by slipping a sheet of paper with small Christmas motifs printed on it into the plastic sleeve). Then, once the stain has dried, children can fill in the gaps with glass paint applied directly to the bottle, in a variety of colors.
Once the paint is dry, the motifs are peeled off and placed on the glasses or champagne flutes. To make the glasses into place cards, each guest's initial is drawn directly on the glass with a ring (set aside until dry).            
Once the party's over, the designs can be peeled off before washing and stored in a plastic pouch.
christmas glass painting

Cardboard place cards

<strong>A Santa hat as a place card</strong>, made of thick red paper and cotton
A Santa hat as a place card, made of thick red paper, with cotton glued all around the base and a cotton ball glued to the top.
The first name is traced with a silver metallic felt-tip pen.

Wooden place-markers
marque place en bois
Wooden place-markers, napkin rings and name tags with Christmas decorations, in local solid wood, hand-cut by l'Atelier bois: they can be decorated, painted or colored with felt pens, waxed, varnished, glued with glitter

A discreet placemarker

christmas table marker
Made from a miniature clay pot (3 cm in diameter) which is painted red, then decorated with silver metallic felt. A white pompom completes the pixie hat!       a quick project that can be carried out with children
Original place cards, leather napkin rings engraved with guests' names, choose a leather color to match your table or a camaiëu of these beautiful colors...
French craftsmanship by La Marque du cuir.
leather napkin rings

Christmas atmosphere place cards

The same hat can also be used to crown a leprechaun, also made from a small terracotta pot.   
christmas place brand
Imp or mischievous angel, they are made from natural materials: wood, terracotta, string. These characters are made from 1 terracotta pot (4 cm diameter) or 2 with a hat, a rough wooden pearl (3 cm diameter), a little felt and string... First paint 2 pots red (acrylic paint), then the pearl pale pink.
place card manufacturing details
Cut a star from a piece of green felt (diameter from tip to tip 4 cm), then 5 pieces of 12 cm long thick string.
Make a hook with a 10 cm brass wire to attach the string to the pearl, slide the felt star between the pearl and the pot, then fold the wire inside the pot as if it were a Parisian clip. Untie the string threads and make a pretty haircut with scissors!      
Use a fine felt-tip pen to draw eyes, eyebrows, a minimalist nose and a big smile. Decorate the pot with wooden beads for the elf, or with gold circles for the angel. Glue on yellow felt wings for the little angel.                                    
christmas elf and angel table decorations
Without a hat or with a uniform hat, these Christmas decorations made from natural materials can be placed here and there. With a name written on the hat, these characters become place cards for a festive Christmas table!

Brand places Snowmen

Another table decoration, some naïve and charming place cards, suggested by Marie-Pierre (see her gallery exhibition Une crêche pour Noël en pâte à sel)
marque places Snowmen
Made from two polystyrene balls of different sizes, for body and head. The balls are assembled with a wooden toothpick.
The bonnets are made from Christmas decoration ribbon (with a metal wire on the selvage, for better hold). The bonnets are attached with a pin at the back of the head. The ribbon is folded over the top of the head and a small cotton pompom is added. The whole thing is secured with a pin.
The eyes, nose, arms and buttons are seed beads strung on pins.
The scarf is a piece of pipe cleaner.
The songbooks are made of white bristol board.
The base is a square of featherboard.
Pin 3 pins into the featherboard from underneath, then place the man on it to make him stand upright.
use red and white ribbon to alternate colors on a white tablecloth.
Beaded Christmas ornaments
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