Painting a mosaic on a T shirt

How to decorate a T-shirt like a mosaic: very easily with textile paint in a bottle.


  • a light-colored T-shirt, washed to remove the primer, ironed
  • bottles of relief paint in pearlescent colors: blue, yellow, green, pink
  • a textile felt-tip

Pattern drawing

Draw a shape or use a simple coloring (cut it out and place it on the T-shirt using needles or temporary taxtile glue) or draw around a support placed on the T-shirt. Repaint this outline with the black textile felt-tip pen.
Mosaic-painted t-shirt

Painting a mosaic

Draw small, random shapes directly with the tip of the bottle, without the shapes touching, alternating colors like a mosaic. It's so easy! Fill the whole pattern.

Allow to dry, then after a period depending on the paint used, use an iron to set the paint: refer to the manufacturer's recommendations, as each paint has its own precise instructions for use.

The T-shirt can then be washed. See our instructions for use for textile paints in bottles.
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