A cross-stitched key ring

A personalized key ring with an initial, to be embroidered in cross-stitch: a tender attention that is sure to be appreciated by the recipient...

This is an original creation by Tams Creation.
Cross-stitch key ring
cross-stitch letter diagrams

In this lovely creative project download, you'll find an explanation of how to make the key ring, cross-stitch diagrams for all the letters of the alphabet, and DMC thread color references (the text is in English, but the diagrams and DMC references are universal...).
This key-ring can be made by children, in which case use a larger Aïda fabric (smaller number of stitches per cm2 ) and single threads.

Todownload the document with all explanations and diagrams, click on the image below:

notice et diagrammes des lettres pour porte-clef

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