Textile paint by the bottle - brand comparisons

For easy, brushless painting on textiles, there's the paint-on-the-canula system, which involves simply squeezing the tube. These products are available from a variety of brands, and are constantly evolving, notably in terms of wash resistance
Textile spray paint

Techniques and tips

  • First, wash new fabrics to remove any primer that might prevent the paint from adhering properly.
  • Then iron the fabric to facilitate the painting process.
  • To avoid unpleasant smudges, always protect a double-sided surface such as a T-shirt or cushion with a piece of cardboard slipped between the two sides.
  • The
  • color once dry is often slightly different from the color applied
  • .

  • If the final color is to be precise, or if the surface to be customized is not white but dark (black, navy): First try on a fabric of the same color to be sure of the result.
  • Never apply paint over paint that has begun to dry, as the second coat will always remain sticky to the touch.
  • When
  • working flat, take care to ensure that the paint flows from the tube to the nozzle
  • .
  • If necessary, apply a dot of paint on a cloth. Otherwise, pressing down on the tube may cause paint to bubble up all over the target area.
  • And
  • if it's a dud? Unlike fabric paint, which is applied with a brush (for which a stain is difficult to wash off), if you don't like the pattern you've drawn, you can always erase it by simply washing the surface under running water.
Textile paint by nozzle or tube
Depending on the brand and product evolution, fixing is different.
Pébéo New Diams Tulip
Gloss Touch 12 hours minimumFixingwith an iron, cotton position. Each painted area must be fixed for 5minMachinewashup to 60°
Pebeo Touch Textile12hoursNofixing required, wait 72hMachinewash
3d multi-surface paint24hoursNofixing required, wait 72hMachinewashat 40°
Slick Dimensional paint24hoursNofixing required, wait 72hMachinewashat low temperature

We tested the Gloss Touch paint (i.e. the old version) and the paint, after ironing as indicated (the pattern was 12 cm x 12 cm on pure cotton), held up well to machine washing at 30°.

The same paint tubes can be used to customize wooden decorations, or for scrapbooking.

For children...

Tube application is more difficult for their little hands (they need to maintain constant pressure to obtain a line that doesn't drool), so it's better for them to paint their tee-shirts with textile markers, even if the relief effect is then absent. A tip for moms: these tube paints are great for creating a small, simplistic pattern on a child's tee-shirt to hide a stubborn stain!
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