A step-by-step salt dough model

Here's a step-by-step model, born from the combination of salt dough and wood painting.
The wooden object is sanded and dusted. It is then painted entirely in white (acrylic paint), but very thinned to reveal the wood grain.
In the bottom right-hand corner of the object, paint the planet in blue-grey, with nuances, add the orange flowers, craters and smoke... and thus rediscover a little of the childhood that lies dormant within us... Don't add the stars, painted in yellow with a very fine black outline, until the salt dough models have been glued, so as to know where to place them to balance the whole.
Boîte à clef Le Petit Prince
Clickto enlarge!
Now, let's make the character: the Little Prince. ToThe.
Tête en pâte à sel du Petit Prince make the head: an elongated ball, a colombin for the neck.
Push a wooden spade through the neck and up to the head.
The hair is marked out with small, fine-bladed scissors: the aim is to detach large strands of hair.
Le corps en pâte à sel body is made from a large, flattened colombin, from which 2 arms are detached and cut to make short sleeves
Thinner arms are added later. The pants are marked with a stab, then each leg is shaped.
ça prend forme... The head is added to the body. You can then (without fear of damaging the face by manipulating), make two small holes for the eyes and an enlarged one for the mouth, add a small nose then a bow tie on the neck.
The shirt is marked with the back of the knife, two buttons are added as well as the belt.

Toadd an element in salt dough, first moisten either the element itself or its location. Don't forget to moisten
whole model as you make it.
Le mouton, version relief ! Add the arms, then the pointed shoes. You can also make stars (from dough flattened with a roller), planets (with a ring for added relief) and even, if you feel like it, a sheep!
Détail de la tête une fois peinte Once the elements have been baked (see explanation on baking), they can be painted.

A tip for painting the inside of the eye or eyebrows: use a pin - it's as thin as it gets! Try it out on paper first to get the hang of it...
Cratère, fleur, étoile
The models are glued to the wooden object with universal glue. The whole must be varnished at least twice (with a brush or spray).
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