Face models for salt dough figurines

figurines are one of the great classics of salt dough. Superimposing skirts and petticoats on salt damsels, geese or mice, what fun!
Yes, but when it comes to young ladies, there's always the problem of the face, and the expression of the eyes.

Here area few faces as examples...
Figurine de pâte à sel The eyes are marked with a hole and the eyelashes painted with a pin.

The eyebrows give this witch full expression.
Figurine de pâte à sel
Figurine de pâte à sel
For this salt doll, nothing is marked by modelling: the large eyes, nose and mouth are drawn with a brush.
Poupée en pate à sel

Pink skin color is difficult to achieve at first: I recommend buying a pale pink bottle (or tube) (in addition to the primary colors and a large white tube). To obtain pink skin color: mix a little pink and a touch of yellow in white.
The traditional clownClown en pâte à sel

" You can find these models and many more on my website " Pâte à sel en Provence", with models inspired by Provence and Brittany too." Laurence

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