The mosaic

art form dating back to Antiquity, mosaics still appeal to a wide variety of creative styles.
The principle is to glue together broken pieces of tile, called "tesserae", to reproduce geometric or pictorial designs.

The advantage of mosaics is that they can be usefully initiated with a trivet or a classic mirror, before moving on to more imposing creations, right up to the garden table, bathroom frieze or kitchen worktop... because mosaic supports are so numerous.

Mosaic supports
  • Wood: plywood makes it easy to cut your own shapes.
  • Medium: mosaic stores now sell a range of shapes in "wood medium", which has the advantage of requiring no more than a simple vinyl glue.
  • Pottery: to create pot covers, covered in whole or in part with mosaic.
  • Glass: using silicone glue to preserve the transparency of glass paste.
  • Plaster: walls or volume shapes covered with small tesserae.
  • Mosaic materials
    The main families of tesserae :
    TypeSpecial featureThicknessCommon dimensions
    Briare enamelsMatt or glossy 3.5 mm 250 x 250 mm
    CeramicsMatt 3.2 mm 200 x 200 mm
    Glass pastePlain, iridescent 3.5 mm 200 x 200 mm
    Stained glassIdeal for photophore 3.5 mm 200 x 200 mm
    Whether using enamels, stoneware or commercially available glass paste, you need to allow for approximately 8 kg per m².

    Think aboutthe materials you already have at home: tile elements (thin enough to be easily broken and trimmed), pieces of mirror, old crockery, Fimo paste elements etc...

    Anew material for mosaics: Mosaclic. This product requires no cutting pliers or special tools. We've tested it, and we'd like to show you a model with a step-by-step D'clic mosaic.

    Japanese pebbles: to be laid without cutting

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