1. If you're painting an angel or another figure, begin with the clothes first, then the hair and finally the face, hands, and even the feet. If you make any mistakes, you can paint over them as often as you need. If you want to add on glitter, glue them on at the very end. 2. If you're painting a black and white cat (a cow, horse etc.), draw the spots onto the animal shape using a pencil. Start painting with the white. When it's time to apply the black, take an old brush, if possible, a small one, which has bristles of varying lengths. If you apply the black paint right beside where the white paint has been applied, overlapping very slightly into the white-painted area, this mimicks the animal's fur or coat. 3. The eyes should be painted LAST. If you've chosen to paint a person or an animal, the hardest bit is still to come: the eyes; this is what will really bring your object to life. The eyes are done in several stages: First, paint them completely black (unless the object you're painting already has a face that's painted in darkish shades; in this case, you can skip this stage). Leave to dry and then paint the inside of the eyes white, leaving a tiny line of black all around (like a kind of round frame). Leave to dry thoroughly. Depending on your skill level, you have two options: The easiest is to paint a round circle that touches the edges of the eye socket area at the top and the bottom. After it is dry, paint a very small white dot in the black circle. Be careful! don't paint the dot right in the center, but a little to the side, either closer to the top or the bottom of the circle, this will show the direction in which the eyes are looking; If you are a little more experienced, instead of a black circle,start off by painting a large circle in the color that you want for the eyes (brown, green, blue). Make this circle relatively large, allow it to touch the edges of the eye socket area at the top and/or the bottom, then paint a black pupil inside, never right in the center, but so that it touches one side of the first colored circle, and then last of all, the very small white dot that is the window of the soul! 4. If you make a mistake, scrape the area gently with a knife or rub it with some fine sandpaper. This removes the paint and you can try again. 5. Although acrylic paint is water-soluble, it becomes hard once dry. For this reason, don't leave the paint pots open for too long. Wear a smock or an old set of clothes, because you won't be able to get the paint stains off. Do not leave the paintbrushes standing in paint. Wash them immediately after use, otherwise they will harden and you will no longer be able to use them. 6. For aesthetic reasons, you may apply a layer of transparent varnish from a spray can. You can choose a gloss, satin-effect or matte varnish (available in large hardware/DIY stores).