As squashes come in many different sizes, this recipe is equally suitable for a large number of dinner guests or just one or two people!
For 4 people, a 2.2 or 2.6 lb Japanese squash will do. Pick an organic squash so that you can eat it together with the skin (the skin is edible and in fact, especially nutritious but contains a lot of pesticides if it is produced from non-organic sources): the squash also acts as the oven dish!
As this recipe requires a lot of skillful cutting, we leave it to the adults. The kids can, however, being the faithful helpers that they are, begin the work by scrubbing the surface of the small pumpkin under running water! Remove the top of the squash (this is the tricky bit, mind your fingers!) then remove the seeds and fibrous parts. Scoop out a little bit of the inside with the help of a spoon.

Using a small knife, draw on big eyes, a nose and a toothy mouth (depending on the age of the guests, you can make it smile if you want!). Still using the knife, remove the skin from these areas.
Add a stuffing mixture to the squash: onions, sausage meat (or else organic sausages, which are easy to find and are free of additives that could be harmful for young children..), with cooked rice or quinoa.
The squash is covered with its 'hat' and placed in a hot oven for an hour at a low heat (165°C /329°F). See the
complete sausage meat-stuffed squash recipe.