The magic wand and the fairy hat are used when Barbie wears her
fairy dress... You can easily make them with what you have arround you : cardboard, a cotton bud ... and if you have craft felt fabric, you might want to cut a little star instead of a heart (and simply glue it to the stick).
You can also realise all these with simple paper.
What you need for the fairy hat
- Cut a triangle in a piece of cardboard 4” x 4” x 5” (13cm x 10cm X 10cm )
- Elastic 3 ½” (9cm)
- One square of fabric 6” x 6” (15cm x 15cm )
- 2 rectangles of tulle to recover the hat: 2 ½” x 5” (13cm x 6cm )
- Decoration for the edge of the hat

What you need for the fairy wand
- 1 stick
- 2 little piece of fabric for the hearts
- 1 piece of paper with a heart drawn on it
- 3 little piece of tulle for the decoration
- Decoration to put on the heart
- one small elastic