Lamp customization

From a simple lamp, easy customization with a few Swarovski crystal rhinestones and scrapbooking decorations.
Materials required:
  • a lamp: braided rope base and shade
  • metal decor for curtain rod (rod clip removed)
  • 5mm crystal rhinestones (Swarovski SS20)
  • 10 Light Siam rhinestones (red)
  • 10 Topaz rhinestones (amber orange)
  • orange Rainbow Tape™ self-adhesive crepe ribbon
  • butterfly-themed Magic-Motifs (8 were used)
  • 2 red and yellow Flock transferable velvet sheets
lamp with rhinestones
customizing a lamp with rhinestones
Step 1 As you unwind the crepe ribbon, glue it 15mm from the bottom edge of the lampshade.  
lamp customization
Step 2 The Magic-Motifs Butterflies will be placed halfway up the lampshade and evenly spaced (without being aligned), alternating the 2 colors. See how to glue Magic-Motifs with velvet effect
customize a lamp
Step 3 All around the top of the lampshade (approx. 15 mm from the top edge), glue the rhinestones either with rhinestone glue or, if heat-set, with a heated electric applicator. Do not align them too evenly. See how to glue rhinestones
glue the rhinestones
Step 4 Similarly, glue rhinestones to the metal decoration and attach it to the lamp base (a brass wire is threaded through the cord).  
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