Cross-stitch decorations for Halloween

small cross-stitch decorations on a Halloween theme: pumpkin, monsters, black cat and candy...

these little works will decorate cards, candy boxes or little pads with cheerful bangs.

This is an original creation offered by Tams Creation, and you can find other superb cross-stitch instructions and diagrams in its online store.
Cross stitch for Halloween
Pumpkin cross stitch

In this lovely creative project, you'll find an explanation of how to make the little pictures, with cross-stitch diagrams and DMC yarn color references (the text is in English, but the diagrams and DMC references are universal...).

These fun decorations can be made by children, in which case use a larger Aïda canvas (smaller number of stitches per cm2 ) and single threads.

Todownload the document with all explanations and diagrams, click on the image below:

notice et diagrammes halloween
embroidered halloween cat
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