A Christmas garland

Christmas garland
Decorating a Christmas garland with lanterns in pretty patterns and Christmas colors.

The principle is to glue Decopatch motifs onto lantern templates cut from Créapop sheet, a thick, resistant plastic specifically designed for garlands.


  • a light garland ready to plug in (CE marking compulsory), either mains or battery-powered
  • transparent Creapop sheet, thickness 0.3 mm
  • Decopatch sheets
  • varnish-glue
  • stapler or hot-melt glue
christmas lantern garland

Lantern cutting

decopatch lantern
Cut out the shape of a lampion from Créapop sheet. The cone shape of a lampion is obtained as follows: draw a quarter-circle with a radius of 8 cm, and inside it a quarter-circle with a radius of 1.5 cm (you'll need to remove this part, which corresponds to the location of the end of the socket). Add a 1 cm edge on one side to act as a gluing zone. For a wider cone, increase the angle taken on the circle: instead of 90° (for a quarter circle), take an angle of 120°. You can also use our <a href="https://www.les-creatifs.com/guirlande-lumineuse.php" title="gabarits pour lampion" de guirlandes" class="lientexte">gabarits de lampions</a>. Dispose this Créapop shape on a sheet of Décopatch, in a place that will make a pretty pattern, and cut all around with a margin of about 8mm.

Gluing templates

gluing the garland lanterns
Glue the inside of the Decopatch pattern (except the 8mm edges) to the reverse side. Place the Creapop shape on it, first the center (hold it in one hand), then smooth the edges (with the other hand). The Decopatch must not wrinkle. Place the coloured side of the lantern on the work surface. Trim the edges every 3-4 cm, so that you can glue the rounded edges. Glue the edges and fold over one by one. Without waiting, smooth the edges all around with your thumb to soften any small angles that may have formed.

Fixing the lanterns

fixed lantern
The shape should be wrapped tightly around the base of the socket, and fastened either with a small stapler or with hot-melt glue. Using assorted Christmas-themed Décopatch sheets, each lantern in the garland will be unique!
christmas garland

And yet...

A light garland can also be made from Créapop covered with paper napkins (see our music-themed napkin garland), but Décopatch (which is more resistant, especially when moistened with varnish-glue) is easier to use than paper napkins. On the other hand, napkin themes and patterns are far more numerous...

Even quicker to make, lampions cut from patterned Créapop sheet (no gluing step) for a Scrap-style garland.

Consult: precautions for making and using electric garlands.
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