Making Christmas hanging elves


The Christmas elf tree

Little hands will be busy making little elves to hang on the Christmas tree...
christmas tree with elf decorations!
elf craft
For a sprite, you need: - two pieces of chenille, - pieces of soft felt: a round, a rectangle (make a hole in it), a triangle, - a mini-pompon, - a round wooden bead (20 to 25 mm in diameter). Form the frame of the sprite's body with the longest chenille.
Elf body frame
christmas elf

Slip the rectangle onto the frame, passing the top loop through the rectangle's central hole

Use the remaining piece of chenille as a belt. On the top loop, thread the felt roundel (after making a hole in it), then the pearl, and glue the triangle to it, folding it into a cone. Glue a small pompom to the top if necessary. Draw eyes, nose and mouth on the bead.
Many thanks to Laurence, Killian and Maëlle for this lovely creation!

Multicolored Christmas elf!

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