Wood cutting

Cutting your own wooden objects lets you create and paint original decorations. Use simple transfer patterns to get started...


Scroll saw for fine cutting
Wood: use thin wood, from 3 to 12 mm. Thin wood (3 mm) is made of plywood: i.e., thin sheets of wood glued together. The advantages of thin wood are easy cutting and a lighter weight, so that an object can be hung on a wall without nails (using glue paste, for example). For small-scale projects, a hand-held scroll saw is sufficient. Ideally, however, you should use an electric scroll saw for cutting wood, with a very fine blade that enables you to make rounded cuts while ensuring safe work.
A jigsaw is less handy for curved cuts but, by default and for a one-off need, it can still be used to make a cut that will then have to be reworked with a file and sandpaper (be careful, the blade is not protected!). Since all you need is a drawing to start a cut, children soon understand how interesting this technique can be, especially for making wooden weapons (see Loïc's "Mangarmes"...)
jigsaw wood cutting

Technique and tips

wood-cutting with a scroll saw
Transfer the design created on paper using the carbon technique directly onto the wood, or use tracing paper: transfer the design with a pencil, iron the lines with a grease pencil, then place the tracing paper right-side-up on the wood and iron with a hard pencil. A more up-to-date and rapid technique consists of printing the design, gluing it onto the wood using a temporary spray adhesive, and cutting along the lines: then remove the paper, which comes off very easily.
For the parts of the motif to be cut out, first drill a hole so that you can pass the blade through the hole and make the cut. A tip: if you need to fill in an asperity or a mistake, make a wood paste by mixing wood glue with sawdust from the wood to be filled in. Sanding the cut edges is essential for a nice finish: file for large chips, fine emery paper for very soft edges.

Simple cut-out and paint effect

Cutting a simple design
Cut and painted wood decor
Here's an example of a simple cut-out: a fish, which takes on all its charm through a cameo painting effect and the multiplication of the motif on the same wall. Each fish has a strong color which is declined by adding a little of another color, then a little more etc...

When cutting becomes art...

Scroll saw lace is an ancient art form that flourished in France in the 19th century. This art form allows you to discover romantic or resolutely modern creations.
deco object in lace on wood
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