DIY Christmas wreaths for children

Simple ideas,dedicated to children, crafts to do with the whole family, from the youngest to the oldest!
mobile à suspendre pour Noël A wreath mobile for Christmas
Thispretty mobile was made by Loïc, 6 1/2 years old, with Marie (thanks Marie!) using the repositionable paint or paint on glass technique.

you draw the outline of shapes such as hearts, stars, apples, presents... on a sheet of Rhodoïd (a thick transparent plastic sheet), using the stain bottle (directly with the tip).
décorations pour noël Once dry, paint the inside of the shapes, again directly with the tip of the bottles, taking care to stick to the outline.
Once the paint is dry, cut out the shapes, leaving a space between the outline and the cut-out.
Make a small hole to attach the shapes using fine brass wire, which is then twisted.
These elements are then attached to a heart-shaped crown, here made from rushes held together with fine gold wire.

The result is a highly original mobile that catches the light.

couronne à suspendre pour Noël A hanging wreath
AChristmas wreath made of salt dough... that you'll want to bite into!
Check out the salt dough recipe.
décorations couronne pour noël Make two long doves and twist. Form a wreath.
Spread the remaining dough with a rolling pin. Cut out a small plate to be placed on the ends of the reunited doves.
Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes from the rolled-out dough: stars, hearts...
Cut a hole in the stars. Stick a small hook (a U-shaped wire) into the hearts.
Fire the crown and elements (see baking salt dough).
The stars and hearts are spray-painted silver and gold. The wreath is simply varnished.
Attach the hanging elements and wreath with red ribbons ... red of course!
décorations pour noël


bricolage de noël A paper / cardboard wreath

Made by Loïc, aged 7, in class: Christmas craft activity, a festive moment!
A around
Couronne de Noel en papier pour enfantstrip of gold crepe paper is wrappeda polystyrene wreath.

Small polystyrene or papier-mâché balls are painted and pricked onto the wreath with wooden spikes. Leaves are cut from thick green paper and the veins outlined with a metallic felt-tip pen. Strips of colored corrugated cardboard are wrapped around wooden spikes...and that's how a whole decor is created!

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