Customize your flip-flops with beads

A special summer customization: what if flip-flops became a must-have fashion accessory that matched your favorite summer outfit? Following a very simple assembly diagram, Swarovski crystal beads and cabochon, combined with metal beads, are attached to the flip-flop straps.
Customize your flip-flops with beads
The aim of customization is, of course, to create chic flip-flops that you'll enjoy wearing, so neither the threads nor the beads should interfere with comfort. You can't feel them, and the pearls must be securely fastened so they don't move when you walk.

Supplies required

To be found in the Bijoux et Perles retail beads
Pearl supplies for flip-flop customization
- 2 square Swarovski 4470 Violet crystal cabochons with silver settings
- 4 Swarovski 5800 8mm Mauve pearly beads + 8 silver cups
- 4 Swarovski pearly beads 5800 5mm Mauve
- 12 Swaroski spinning tops 5301 4mm Purple
- 4 Swaroski spinning tops 5301 4mm Violet Opal
- 12 Czech crystal facets 4mm Amethyst and 12 facets Fuchsia
- 4 Bali style metal beads 8mm
- 2 x 80 cm of 0.25mm nylon thread
- beading needles will be very useful to help the thread pass through the holes.
You can choose to buy this complete set of beads (with 3 beading needles and instructions with photos).

You'll also need :
- a pair of flip-flops with wide plastic straps (17 mm )
- a sturdy, sharp embroidery needle.

Shop for low-priced jewelry primers.

Preparing the strips

Prepare holes for thread and beads
To pass the thread through, holes must be made in the thongs using an embroidery needle, which must be sharp and of a good diameter.
the holes are made in the middle of the width of the strap.
The first hole should be made 10 mm from the middle of the strap (where the stem enters the sole) - see red arrow.

The second hole is 16mm from the first, the third 16mm from the second.
Do the same (3 holes) on the other part of the strap.

Stringing beads

Stringing beads
Thread the thread through the off-center hole (with the help of a beading needle if necessary). On the end of the thread coming out towards the top, thread a Violet spinning top.
On the other end, thread an Amethyst facet. Cross these ends in the same Fuchsia facet. Slide the thread so that the ends are the same length and the Amethyst facet is on top of the lanyard.
String the pearls on the flip-flop
Pass the 2 wires together through a 5mm mother-of-pearl bead, then through an 8mm metal bead. One wire "goes down" into the hole just outside the metal bead, on the other thread a Violet Opal spinning top. Raise the bottom wire from the side and add a fuchsia facet.
Cross the wires in an Amethyst facet. The fuchsia facet must be at the edge of the lanyard. Pass the 2 wires together in a Violet spinning top, then thread: a cup + an 8mm pearly pearl + a cup One wire "goes down" into the hole. On the other, add a Violet spinning top. Raise the bottom wire from the side and add an Amethyst facet. Cross the wires into a Fuchsia facet.
Mounting the Swarovski crystal cabochon
Each wire passes through the cabochon which has been placed in its crimp (closing the pawls one after the other).
Thesetting is then symmetrical.
The wires cross in a Fuchsia facet. On the thread running to the outer edge, thread an Amethyst facet, then pass the thread through the hole from bottom to top. On the other thread, add a Violet spinning top.
On the 2 wires together, thread a cup, an 8mm pearly bead, a cup and a Violet spinning top.
Cross the wires in an Amethyst facet.
On the thread going to the outer edge, thread a Fuchsia facet, then pass the thread through the hole from bottom to top. On the other thread, add a Violet spinning top.
Thread an 8mm metal bead and a 5mm pearl bead onto the 2 wires together.
Cross the wires in a Fuchsia facet.
On the thread running to the outer edge, thread a Fuchsia facet, then pass the thread through the hole from bottom to top.
Finally, add a Violet spinning top to this thread. With the 2 threads joined, you'll be able to make a double knot.

Beforeknotting, check that the thread is tight and that all the beads are on top of the strap.
Pass the 2 threads through the Fuchsia facet, pulling gently so that the knot gets caught in the facet. Cut the threads flush.
Make the same arrangement with the second flip-flop. The same arrangement can be made with different beads, but with the same dimensions to fit the holes on the thongs.

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