Occitan cross in D'Clic Mosaïc

An Occitan Cross as a wall decoration, to be made with D'clic mosaic, a mosaic that's easy to use since it's pre-cut.

Materials required to create the Occitan Cross

  • 30 x 30 cm medium wood support
  • D
  • 'clic Mosaïc in 3 colors: Orange, Ombre, Safran
  • 12
  • Flat beads
  • Joining
  • powder
  • Mosaic
  • glue
  • Saw
  • blade
  • or cutter
  • Abrasive
Find all these supplies in the ready-to-use kit "Croix occitane D'CLic Mosaïc".

Occitan cross in D'Clic mosaic

Step 1:

Positioning the mosaic tiles
Use a pencil or compass to mark out the different color locations. Glue the beads. Position, then glue the Orange center and the Orange and Saffron ends.

Step 2:

gluing the mosaic
Complete the rest of the Ombre cross by assembling the geometrical shapes and re-cutting the tesserae if necessary, using the saw blade or cutter.

Step 3:

joint on tesserae
Prepare the jointing powder to obtain a homogeneous paste (one part water to four parts powder). spread the paste (use rubber gloves or a flexible spatula), making sure to fill the joints.
Remove excess with a slightly damp sponge.  
Let dry.

Step 4:

Rub with a soft, dry cloth to remove whitish residue and restore shine.    
I'm done!
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