Custom watch design

While our cell phones tell us the time at all times, watches are making a comeback - but not just any watch!

First of all, it's a piece of jewelry, so a watch with an original dial, preferably retro, and nicely decorated. Then, we like it with a bracelet that goes several times around the wrist in a pretty colored leather or even a leather duo!

In the end, the must-have is the personalized watch with an engraved message, the watch with a theme that suits us and allows us to show a little of ourselves or make a much-appreciated gift.
themed watches

Retro and vintage watches

Vintage retro watch
The vintage style is evident in the bronze dials, with Roman numerals, stylish hands and a yellowed-paper dial background. Without sacrificing bright, trendy colors.
Discover the leather watch to personalize: choose the color of the leather strap, the charm, the pearls for a unique watch!

Double or triple turn bracelets

As we like very wide bracelets or the superposition of thin bracelets for a more bohemian look, we love bracelets that go around 3 wrists in a beautiful leather in classic colors (patina brown or black) or, even more whimsical, in a colored leather like fuchsia or the feminine purple
5-turn wristwatch
double or triple tour watch
Liberty bracelet watches

Bracelets with Liberty prints are also part of the celebration, either with several turns of the wrist in fine cords combined with leather cords in the same colors, or with a wide bias where the print is well highlighted, in which case the bracelet is more classic with a single turn of the wrist.
A chain allows you to adjust the length of the Liberty watch bracelet to your wrist.
Liberty watches are also available in do-it-yourself kits, with a tutorial and a choice of charms...

Customized watches

To personalize a piece of jewelry, you can play with colors that will appeal to the person you wish to give this gift just for her.
It's also possible to choose natural stone beads, gemstones whose virtues will be appreciated (for example, hematite, which relaxes and brings courage and energy, or landscape jasper, which stimulates creativity, or howlite, which unravels negative energies...).
A jewel watch can also be made unique to the wearer by the choice of a charm (an embossed charm), which can represent a passion for animals (cats, horses, owls...), for a sport or hobby, or for a particular type of jewelry.), for a sport or hobby, or more broadly as a much-loved symbol (peace, an angel) or as romantic as one could wish (butterflies, birds in cages, dragonflies, hearts, flowers...). A cabochon with a design or message is also a great way to personalize a watch...
engraved wood cabochon watch

pearl leather watch
two-tone leather strap watch
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