Multi-material home decor

home deco felt frame
A multi-material Home Deco idea in a composition that combines felt with micro-mosaic, relief effects and soft materials, in tonic colors! A rose motif (common to other of my Home Deco canvases) is created here by juxtaposing felt cut-outs highlighted with relief paint.
  • a square 3D frame, covered with white cotton,
  • pieces of multicoloured felt
  • micro-mosaic in acid pastel colors
  • relief paste
  • autumn-coloured flock
  • acrylic paints and Pébeo touch (3D-effect paint)
  • universal glue and special felt glue
At the top of the canvas, a wide strip of relief paste is applied, followed by a rectangle halfway up on the left.
paint stripesdetail of embossed band
Paint the background (and sides of the frame), using striped effects and colors to match the felt pieces.
mosaic on canvas home deco
Below the wide brown band at the bottom of the canvas, glue a regular alignment of micro-mosaics. Arrange a few tesserae on the band itself. Highlight the top of the strip with contrasting relief paint, applied directly with the tip of the bottle (watch out for air bubbles: don't stir the bottle before use...). Dispose a curved flock motif to vary the geometric shapes, to be applied with universal glue or glue varnish.
Draw a rose with wide petals and a tighter heart. Each area will be cut out in a different color of felt. Place each piece in its place as soon as it's cut out, so as not to lose anything. Check before gluing that all the pieces fit together... As a reminder, glue 3 strips of these felts under the raised strip on the left.
felt on home deco
Felt frame
Once the glue has dried (the felt is unstretchable), draw the outline of each piece of felt with relief paint (red).
And here's a funny canvas that makes you want to touch it!
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