Children's Christmas cards

Printable Christmas card

Click on each card image and print directly. once printed, cut out the edges, fold in 4 and decorate by coloring.
Printable Christmas card

Letter to Santa Claus

Printable letter to Santa Claus
Children can color and decorate their letter, then write a few words to Santa. And for the little ones, a cutting session in toy catalogs is a must, followed by a collage step on the letter to Santa...This has the merit of making the wishes clear!

DIY Christmas cards

Easy-to-make Christmas card ideas for kids by sticking on Christmas stickers. Stickers can also be homemade using hole punches.
Children's Christmas card with stickers
Children's Christmas card with glitter
The use of glitter is highly recommended for the festive season!
Draw Christmas shapes with pencils (stars, little trees, balls for the little ones...), fill with glue and sprinkle with fine powdered glitter. Glue glitter pencils are also very easy to use, allowing you to draw outlines or write little words.
Supplies for these little crafts can be found in the Fournitures Créatives store.
Beaded Christmas ornaments
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