Mother's Day gifts in Decopatch

Here's an easy way to make small Mother's Day gifts using the Decopatch paper gluing technique. This paper, which comes in a wide range of colorful patterns, can be torn into smaller or larger pieces and glued onto an object to be covered completely. This technique gives great decorative results when used by adults, but it can also be used by children as young as 7 or 8 to create an original, hard-wearing object. These ideas are inexpensive to implement in schools, and are ideal for teachers, who can then let children lovingly create a little gift for their mom themselves.
Decopatch decorative teddy bear


Oriental mirror to decorate
- at least 2 sheets of Decopatch to obtain a contrast between their 2 colors, - Decopatch liquid glue varnish: this is the safest and easiest to apply, and also makes it possible to create objects in which food can be presented (appetizer cup...).
- a flat, flexible brush - paint if the object is dark in color. - an object to cover: a polystyrene animal, like the teddy bear above, or a cardboard object, a cardboard or wooden box. See the polystyrene subjects offered by the Fournitures créatives store.

A hand mirror for mom

Pre-painted mirror
Here's a very feminine gift to give a mother for her birthday... This oriental mirror is made of cardboard, and its dark color may mute the colors of the Decopatch sheets, so it's best to paint it first, even quickly, with the dominant color.
The gluing technique is simple: using a flat brush, apply a layer of varnish glue to an area of the support (progressively). Then tear off pieces of leaf. Place a first piece, then run the glue brush from the center to the edges to avoid small creases. Place another piece that slightly overlaps the edges of the previous one, and so on... The pieces close to the edge of the mirror are folded over to the other side, so that the second side can be made as soon as the first has dried (which is quick and allows you to finish the creation). For the back of the mirror, you can place a large, well-centered motif: children will particularly appreciate this time-saver!
Decopatch collage technique
Gift for mom: an oriental hand mirror

Once the mirror is finished, to protect it and give it an even better appearance, apply varnish-glue to the entire decorated surface. If the mirror has been soiled, simply scrape off the glue residue.
The mirror can then be decorated with rhinestones or arabesques drawn directly with the 3D paint bottle tip, further enhancing its oriental look.

Shelikes the Oriental style?
Another manual activity to make her an Oriental mirror to hang on the wall,
in an easy mosaic: several kits to discover!
miroir oriental en mosaïque miroir baroque en mosaïque

Other Decopatch gift ideas

Pink Decopatch cat
A cute little cat, made from a Styrofoam shape (like the nanny above). After being covered with Decopatch, it's decorated with mobile eyes, a pompom nose and a ribbon as a scarf. (Made by Titouan at age 7 in CE1 class).
Napkin box
A wooden box for paper napkins is decorated on the outside in Decopatch, with 3 different leaves. The inside is painted in a bright assorted color, and wiped down with a little white paint.
Gift towel box
Decorated belt
Another do-it-yourself gift idea for a mother: a beautifully decorated hanger.
The raw wood hanger is painted (one side darker than the other), then decorated either with Decopatch, or with scissor-cut napkin motifs, of which only the first layer is left (the gluing technique is the same as for Decopatch, you just need to glue gently to avoid tearing the more fragile napkin paper). See: a wide choice of paper napkins...
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