Children's DIY: a cardboard dragon
A complete craft: tracing, cutting, gluing and painting, culminating in an articulated toy.
Winged dragon, lizard or snake, it's up to you...
Materials :
- cardboard rolls (paper towels or toilet paper)
- brads
- children's paint
- sheets of thick coloured paper for the legs and wings (unless you want to paint them too)
Production stages :
Printthe patterns. |
They have been reduced to 25%, so you can print them full-page and leave them to the graphics software, or resize them to +400% before printing.
 Tail (top) and head (bottom |
) |

Dragon body
Cut outthe drawings for each pattern. Transfer the patterns to the cardboard rolls: trace the head once, the tail once and the body 5 to 7 |
times.Cut out with scissors. |
Cutwings and legs from the sheet(s) of thick paper. |
Mark the folds on the wings with a ruler. |
Paintthe head, body and tail: we've chosen 2 colors to distinguish back and belly. |
Punchthe holes (4 per body block, but only 2 for the head) with a spade-shaped screwdriver, or with a hole punch, placing the cardboard block to be punched in the corner of a table, for example |
Assemblethe head, body parts and tail using brads, always overlapping in the same direction. |
Glue onthe legs and wings. Then draw two eyes, naughty or nice, |
as you wish...
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