Making Liberty bracelets

Prints are trendy and we love them even in bracelets, especially the prints of Liberty fabrics, so adorable with their floral motifs. Making your own bracelets from Liberty bias is easy and fun, just combine pearls mounted as charms, an adorable "charm" and an easy-to-live-with clasp. The biases used in these models are 10 mm wide when folded (so 40 mm when unfolded).
Fuchsia Liberty bracelet
Liberty bias is 10 mm wide, folded 4 times on itself (so it's actually 4 cm wide). You can sew it lengthwise to prevent it from opening, or leave it as is, as in the bracelet models below. You'll need flat-nose pliers and round-nose pliers.
These two creations detailed here are on sale in the Bijoux et Perles boutique, and you can even personalize them with the charm of your choice:

- the Liberty Violet/Olive silver bracelet

- the Liberty Fuchsia Antique Brass bracelet.

(See all Liberty bracelet creations)
Trendy! Liberty watches in kit form,
different models with tutorials included.
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Shop for wires, cords, leathers and jewelry primers at low prices.

Printed fabric bracelet with antique brass finishes

Making a Liberty Bracelet
Materials required :
- about 20 cm of Tana Lawn quality Liberty bias 100%cotton, print reference: Poppy and Daisy rose
- 2 Laiton Vieilli 10 mm ribbon ties
- An Antique Brass lobster clasp
- 7 rings, 4mm diameter, in Antique Brass
- 3 nails in Aged Brass
- an aged brass charm
- a 5mm spinning top, a 6mm spinning top and a 6mm cube in Swarovski crystal in colors matching the ribbon

First, cut the bias to the desired length + approx. 15 mm (for ends folded over and caught in the fasteners).
Be careful to take into account the length taken up by the clasp and its fastener when calculating the final size of the bracelet.
Fold one end twice on itself for 3-4mm and press it into a ribbon fastener (edges must be hidden by the fastener): tighten with flat-nose pliers.
Making beaded charms
To make a charm from a pearl: thread the pearl onto the nail shank, bend the shank flush with the pearl at right-angles and cut about 8mm from the pearl. Using round-tipped pliers, bend the stem protruding from the pearl towards you to form a nice, even, closed ring. To place the charm in a ring, always open the ring from the side using flat-nose pliers.
The 3 Swarovski pearls are thus placed on the first ring after the one passed through the clasp. Then other rings are added to make a chain. A larger double ring is made from a piece of cut stem, by winding it tightly around the round-ended pliers.
A superb charm is suspended by a ring which is itself placed on the clasp ring.

Liberty silver bracelet

Liberty silver bracelet
For this silver-finished bracelet model, you'll need: - about 20 cm of Liberty bias tape, reference Eloïse Prune - 2 silver-finished 10 mm ribbon fasteners - a lobster clasp - about ten 5 mm diameter rings - 4 silver-finished studs - an antique silver charm.
Liberty bracelet tightened with rings
The design is more or less the same as for the first bracelet, but this one has the particularity of being tightened across its width by 3 rings placed evenly along the length of the bracelet. Beads can be added to each of these rings in the manner of silver bracelets with charms. For this bracelet, Olivine magic pearls and Amethyst cat's-eye pearls have been chosen. Another cat's-eye pearl is attached to the ring chain. A charm (here a key) is added to the clasp.
A Liberty ribbon can also be used as bag or key-ring jewelry, with a few beautiful pearls and charms...

If you like the bracelet, you'll love the matching pendant necklace, with the same bias but with Bronze-colored fasteners and primers that also go well with these colors.

bracelet chaîne rubans tressés Trendy: the do-it-yourself braided ribbon chain bracelet!
Liberty bag jewel
Discover all the Liberty bracelets and jewels in kit or ready-to-wear...

Credits: Bijoux et Perles, the store with 600 kits! Discover: many bracelet Tutorials
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